Most Famous People Born in 2003

This is the list of most famous people who was born in 2003 starting from MattyB, Johnny Orlando, Sophia Grace Brownlee, Lizzy Greene any others. Find out their birthday and nationality detail. These people includes Actors, YouTubers, Singers, and many other. The 3rd millennium got with it a major makeover in the entertainment industry. Ranging from talented actors to famous YouTubers, few of these young individuals have truly marked their presence to the rest of the world at such an early age. These 15 year olds have taken the world by storm with their zest and passion.

Being famous is no longer restricted to acting and goes beyond different innovative fields. The 13 year old kids have extended their career option as stars, YouTubers and even talented dancers for which they have gained immense popularity and a huge fan following on the various social networking sites.

These celebrity kids born in 2003 are seen as being robust, active and friendly with cherubic looks and a charming personality. These celebrities are blessed with striking looks for which they got famous on Instagram. Few of them have natural acting skills and others a melodious voice to enthrall the audience with their singing. Few of these young rock stars and rappers have all that it takes to become the next international sensation and have already been rocking the charts. One remarkable similarity amongst the teen stars born in 2003 are their mesmerizing eyes which are piercing light eyed black holes ready to behold their fans in their magic! These teenage stars surely will continue to rise the fame ladder!

List of Famous People Born in 2003

Danielle BregoliWednesday, March 26American
MattyBMonday, January 6American
Olivia RodrigoMonday, February 20American
QuvenzhaneThursday, August 28American
Joelle SiwaMonday, May 19American
Johnny OrlandoFriday, January 24Canadian
Brynn RumfalloTuesday, July 1American
Owen BodnarTuesday, July 29American
Sophia Grace BrownleeFriday, April 18British
Lizzy GreeneThursday, May 1American
Case WalkerTuesday, February 25American
Gavin ButlerWednesday, December 3American
Aidan GallagherThursday, September 18American
Lincoln MelcherFriday, December 12American
Connor FinnertyFriday, March 28American
Andrea BrillantesWednesday, March 12American
Tatiana McQuaySaturday, August 30Canadian
Emma KittiesmamaWednesday, September 10American
Tate McRaeTuesday, July 1American
Nina LuThursday, September 18American
Supa PeachFriday, March 7American
Breanna YdeWednesday, June 11Australian
Lil PoopySaturday, February 15American
Sierra HaschakFriday, November 14American
Landon BarkerThursday, October 9American
Ameerah NavaluaFriday, October 24American
Lexi DrewSunday, December 21American
Thomas BarbuscaMonday, March 3American
Elizabeth GreeneThursday, May 1American
Mini BarbieSunday, April 20American


I'm Gabriel Quentin, and I'm fascinated by the world of celebrities. From their dazzling red carpet appearances to the intimate details of their personal lives, I find every aspect of their existence captivating. As an avid writer and content creator, I thrive on keeping up with the latest celebrity events.Through my articles and content on, I aim to provide readers with an insider's perspective on the ever-evolving world of celebrities. Trust me, there's never a dull moment in this whirlwind of stardom and scandal. Instagram / Email: