Paul Edward Hospenthal is a professional therapist who was born on 5 June 1965. As per his wiki, Paul has a net worth in 7 figure, is now 52, and former husband of Danica Patrick. Well known American Physical therapist, Paul Edward Hospenthal serves as fitness therapist to golfers. In the United State of America, he is one of the most well-known therapists. He gave fitness training to many golfers which include starters and professionals in the States.
Real Name | Paul Edward Hospenthal |
Birth Date | 5 June 1965 |
Nationality | American |
Age | 52 Years |
Height | 6 feet / 1.82 m |
Net Worth | Under Review |
Source of Income | Therapist |
Annual Salary | Under Review |
Sibling | N/A |
Children | N/A |
Ethnicity | White |
Former-wife | Danica Patrick |
The physical therapist Paul Edward Hospenthal was born on 5th June 1965. His birthplace was Tacoma, Washington DC. Nothing much known about his parents or siblings details. This 52 years old therapist have white ethnicity. He was married to Danica Patrick in the year of 2004 but after seven years of marriage, they got divorced.
As a golf trainer and American physical therapist, he has made a huge impact in his career. He has been working as a therapist for over three decades now, but his net worth remains unknown. He kept almost all his private matters unknown. But he has made good net worth and it is based on the fact that he has been spent many years working as a therapist and provide golf training to many rich tycoons from many years.
The Paul Edward Hospenthal has had a rich career and he is usually tasked with administrating his services to many rich celebrities, however the net worth details are not yet revealed. He is a professional therapist for quite many years and helped many notable celebrities. Apart from being a therapist, he is also a goof golf trainer and a professional golf man.
Very little information is known about the childhood and life of Paul Edward Hospenthal. It is not founded that whether he has siblings or not and his parents are also unknown. The educational background of the Paul is also undocumented. Nobody has the complete information about his career and net worth. Apart from all these he is a well-known therapist and provides his services to many rich and popular celebrities.
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